Host Margaret Williamson is back with another mind-altering topic as part of our Mindshifting Moments segment. What will you learn this time? Well, it’s time to talk about the self-administration of psychedelics in today’s world.

What does it mean to self-administer psychedelics? What are the consequences?

Find out more as Margaret welcomes Warren Gumpel of KetaMD.

Meet Warren Gumpel

In this episode of Mindshifting Moments, the Co-Founder of KetaMD, Warren Gumpel joins Margaret Williamson.

As a leading expert in the ketamine space, Warren has spent the last five years working as an operator, consultant, marketer, and advocate. Warren has guided existing ketamine clinics, IV clinics, and rehab centers across the U.S. to integrate best practices to enhance their existing businesses and ketamine practices. Along with co-founder Zappy Zapolin, Warren created KetaMD to bring at-home medical ketamine to the masses. 

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The transcription will be available after the event.