Worldwide, depression is a large cause of ill-health and disability, that oftentimes evolves into a long-term condition that can be very difficult to treat. Many people who have suffered from depression find that they need a blend of different approaches to stay healthy, such as healthy food, exercise, time with friends, lower stress, and personal self-examination (through therapy, psychedelics, or meditation). 

Why Psychedelics for Depression? 

For years, psychedelics such as magic mushrooms (psilocybin), ketamin, cannabis, and LSD  have been used in clinical studies, private therapy, and at home to lighten depression. In recent times, psychedelic drugs are being encouragingly used to treat depression, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and other mental-health problems. 

Drugs such as psilocybin and ecstasy may prove to be more of a recreational drug in the wrong hands, but if administered under professional supervision together with therapy, they may help patients know the cause of their troubles and experience therapeutic breakthroughs. 

How do Psychedelics Treat Depression?

Clinical studies that use psychedelics to treat depression follow a very simple procedure. Participants are invited to a comfortable setting and given a dose of the substance. For the next 4-6 hours, the patient remains quiet and may listen to soothing music and feel their emotions flow more freely. 

A researcher sits with them during the session and may soothe them if they get uneasy. In a fruitful session, these drugs give a peaceful and heavenly state of mind, creating a level of self-awareness and knowledge, resulting in the patient being more receptive to various forms of psychotherapy. 

Psychedelics affect the levels of serotonin and other chemicals in the body and brain that control one’s mood. They act as a catalyst that helps one to release his/her own thoughts and feelings from the subconscious mind and cause remarkable changes in people who were otherwise very anxious and in distress.

How are Psychedelics Effective? 

These drugs can produce significant improvements in the treatment of people struggling to quit smoking, alcohol addiction, depression, and anxiety. They may be able to provide hope where traditional antidepressant drugs and counseling have proved to be futile. 

The mental experiences that occur while taking psychedelics seem to transform an individual’s perspective on life, and have a lasting impact. Hence, people who use psychedelics recreationally do not experience the same advantages as those who use these substances in a disciplined environment. 

The underlying fact is that psychedelics should only be administered in exact doses in a carefully controlled and comfortable setting, with plenty of time to stay in the experience and a trustworthy person to support you during your journey. To ensure its productivity in daily life, it needs months of follow-up therapy.

Psychedelics have shown significant long-term positive effects on mood by reducing depressive symptoms, even when used in just a single session. At the same time, such drugs can be painful and can produce anxiety, distress, or even terror based on the dose and the individual’s personality. Thus, for effective treatment of depression, psychedelics need to be used with extreme care and precaution – taking note of all the factors affecting an individual.